I was going through the supermarket in Jusco Bukit Tinggi, Klang yesterday to shop for some groceries. When I pass the fish section, I just couldn't take my eyes of the fresh, beautiful and wonderful salmon fish that they were cutting up to fillet sizes! Immediately I craved for some of that yummy fishy meat! Thus, buying 2 pieces of it which burnt around RM21.90 into my wallet. Heheh... but lemme tell you this.. it is really worth it!
I got it home and threw the salmons into the freezer cuz I plan to cook it tomorrow morning for breakfast. Around midnight I took the salmon out from the freezer and put it into the fridge to defrost slowly.
This morning I woke up around 8.30am and started my journey of dreaming to be a gourmet cook! Wakaka... I tried to find recipes for my salmons but all of them are either too confusing or too delicate (ok ok ... maybe its my fault.. i don't recognise some stuffs like DILI!? what the heck is DILI). Besides, i'm a poor guy whose home doesn't have an oven to baked those yummy salmons. Hahaha....
So I had to improvise on my salmons. And finally I came up with this personal and yummy recipe.. hehe.. this recipe is truly original.. Hmm.. maybe I should name this recipe as Aikzhou Italian Salmon. Hahaha.. yeah.. sounds nice.. haha
So, my friends, below is the recipe for you guys to try if you want it.
2 pieces of salmon fillet
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Coarse Black Pepper
McCORMICK Italian Herbs Blended
(contains Marjoram, Thyme, Rosemary, Savory, Sage, Oregano, Basil)
McCORMICK Basil Leaves Blended
Fine Salt ( I use organic salt )
1 Whole Orange (I used orange cuz I don't have lemon for my citrus flavour)
1 whole tomato.
1 clove of garlic (smack flat and chopped into small pieces)
Some lightly salted butter or saltless butter
Fresh Organix Lettuce
After the salmons have been defrost properly (make sure you don't defrost it under running water as that will wash away the juices in the fish) just run it quickly through running tap water to clean it, just a quick one will do as you don't want the fish meat to absorb anymore water. Then used the paper roll to dap it dry.
After doing that, cut your orange into half and squeeze half orange juice onto the salmon meat. Then you sprinkle a little bit of coarse black pepper and salt. Mix in the chopped garlic as well. Then you slowly massage the mixture into the salmon meat. Slowly and lightly rubbing the salt and coarse black pepper. Once this is done, then you sprinkle the McCORMICK Italian Herbs Blended onto the fish. Once again, rubbing it slowly and evenly onto the salmons. Put as much as you like as this McCORMICK Italian Herbs Blended is what will make the salmon smells very good during cooking!
After all this is done, pour the whole thing into a plastic sealable bag and put it into the fridge for 30 - 1 hour (depending on how much you want the taste to be absorbed).
1 hour have passed. You take out the earlier pre-mix fishy. Heat up your non-stick pan and put in 2 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Wait for it to heat up but not until you can see the smoke coming out! Make sure you don't over heat the oil. Once the oil is properly heated, put in 1 teaspoon of butter (saltless is better as you already have some salt on your fish!) The reason for this is to keep the butter from burning up and turn the whole oil black color.
Once that is done, put in the salmons to cook. REMEMBER! to use medium flame or else your salmons will overcook and get burnt. Once you see your salmon meat turn color 3/4 already, its time for you to pour in some of the juices from the earlier seasoning. Let it simmer in the juice with medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes then flip the salmons to the other side and switch of your gas to let it cook in the contained pan heat for another 2 minutes. While waiting for the other side to be cook by the heat, sprinkle some McCORMICK Italian Herbs Blended and McCORMICK Basil onto the topside.
After all this is done, scoop it up (without the garlics and the other stuffs.. just the salmons will do). Serve it while hot!
Dressing For The Plate
After your salmon is cooked and done, take out your lettuce and peel it into leaflets. Wash it cleanly under running tap water. Chopped it up and put it nicely on the plate you wish to serve the salmon. Prepare the salad dressing mixture by using 4 teaspoon of mayonise, 1 1/2 tablespoon of tomato sauce. Add tomato sauce to your flavour as some like the dressing sourish a lil. If over sourish, you can always add some fine sugar into it.
Pour the oil away from your pan. Wash cleanly and reheat the pan again with 1 table spoon of olive oil. Put into another 1 tablespoon of butter once the oil is properly heated. Cut your tomato into half and put the tomato face downwards (the soft side) onto the pan for searing it. Sear the tomato until its softer from its original hardness.
Scoop it up and serve it onto the plate together with the lettuce and salmon.
Preparing Time : 1 hour
Cooking Time : 10 minutes
Well.. thats it folks. My own recipe and I was so famished that I forgotten to snap a photo of it. Hahaha.. very sorry guys, so no photo of my Aikzhou Italian Salmon recipe. Hehehe... I hope you guys enjoy the recipe as much as I enjoy cooking it and chow-ing up into my stomach!
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