Life is recently very much alive for me. I have been given many task to manage and to straighten up. It is a wonder that so many things to attend to eventhough business have drop by 50% in recent months.
I just had my management meeting this morning. Whoa! My boss isn't really in a good mood but lucky for us, we did not get a full-blown scathing on our face. My boss is actually a nice person when he's in a good mood. And he is a man of his words because he has proven to me by giving me whatever he has promised me including my Assistant Manager promotion.
I guess I have my hands full now especially when I must deal with all those drivers who only thinks of their own survival yet still wanna be lazy. I felt extremely betrayed yesterday by a few drivers which I thought they can understand that whatever situation we are in now, we are in as a team. Unfortunately, they aren't thinking with their brains. Sigh, I guess I will need to be the bad guy until I leave this company.
Oh yeah, I will be very likely to leave my current company once I get the results of my medical checkup. I have sighted the letter of offer and god! this is the first time I see an 11 pages odd long offer letter. This wasn't a very easy decision for me to make especially with current economic downturn. I have so many things to take into consideration and finally I guess this will be my boldest move. I need the raise in pay and also taking a risk by joining up with this new company that I will have the 'pioneer' staff status as well as having a shot at the Managerial position to improve my resume status further.
Yeah, some people might say I'm considering this move as monetary move which is very true but there is also other motives such as putting all my skills and experience to the biggest challenge and succeed in proving to myself that I have what it needs to surive in this cut-throat corporate world. Even though I'm forgoing my promotion as AM in my current company and joining the new company as Snr Executive (same as my current position), the pay is way much higher than what I'm getting current and with such bad times looming, I doubt my current boss will be able to match and counter-offer me to stay back.
Well, wish me luck guys... Cuz I will need it as my life will be alot tougher for the next 1 - 2 years because I have chosen to join a newly setup company and there is alot more things to be done with compare to my current company.