Friday, February 05, 2010

Bits and Parts of My Thoughts On My Country

I was browsing around and found this excellent website. Remember Dr. Lim Teck Ghee who proved that NEP has already achieved its original target therefore should be abolished and then he was media crucified by our local politicians who stills need the NEP to give them more time to 'clean up' our national coffers? Well, Dr. Lim has since then started an outfit name CPI in short and here's his website and his thoughts penned down for us to read and understand from his point of views on our national interest. You can visit his site at:

In fact, I left a comment in one of the articles but I won't say where is it as I did not use my real internet name.

With all this circus show going on in our nation mass media about Sodomy Part II, I believe that many of us whom are now well educated no matter if you are malay, chinese or indians, will have now see through the scheming of these politicians. No doubt DSAI is not a perfect politician nor a gentleman (he too has skeletons in his closet when he was the rising star of UMNO), all this national circus is definitely not called for especially in a time where the entire world is trying to pick up the economical mess created by US financial system failure to arrest they corporation greediness.

With recent burning of churches and unsuccessful vandalism of our fellow malaysian surau's is definitely putting a strain on the people who believe and respect in each other right to religion as stated in our constitution. These acts are cowardly acts of aggression and disrespect not towards Christianity nor Islam but to the People of Malaysia as a whole. Our royal courts which is our only avenue for justice has been made a mockery when the government decides to go against the just and fair trial / hearings.

Instead of clearing up the air and avoid further discrimination of race, they allow certain quarters to conduct demonstration protest (where in our country forbids any kind of demonstration of protest unless with police permit) to go on at Mosque, a place of worship and sacred to our fellow Islam friends. I fail to see how can they let it happen? Surely this demonstration protest must have spread by word of mouth or in the internet and our police force having 'spies' everywhere would have known and could have taken steps to ensure it didn't take place.

This reminds me of articles I read from foreign websites (TIME and Far Eastern) also from our local respected bloggers who took great lengths to investigate and post up information of the 1969 tragedy. Tunku Abdul Rahman (may god bless his soul) said in his interview that when the alliance (now as BN) lost its hold on the country politics after the vote, he knows that he cannot allow DAP and their alliance to go on a victory round on the streets as it will definitely cause troubled. He gave instructions no PERMIT should be allowed. Tunku has the foresight to see what will happen back then and he cares so much for the rakyat (I believe he was never a racist as he loves the people of Malaysia). But once he left for his hometown, his 2nd in command (you know who) gave the permission to issue the permit thus causing the darkest hours in our otherwise beautiful independence history.

We are lucky things have not gone down as in 1969. Personally, I think its because our countrymen now are more educated and more rational to see that this ugly incident will not repeat again.

All in all, the sooner all this 'in-fighting' will resolve soon and let the country concentrate to regain its economic prowess and making the people of Malaysia life easier.

May god bless Malaysia.