Malaysian Malaysia
Anything I want or I like, who cares if you like it or not!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Went out yesterday evening to have drinks with some friends who is actually my clients as well. I seem to lost touch with many of my old group of friends with except of a few people. This got me thinking, as we age, we tend to mix with different people in character. There is many things out there which I still have not experienced yet. Perhaps one day, I will and I will learn.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
I've sold my Wira and now driving another Wira. Yeah, kinda weird isn't it? But its a 1.6cc compared to my old one a 1.5cc .. and yeah, it is still weird.. anyway, cut things short, my younger brother wanted to get a new car and I told him to sell mine and I'll take his. Besides, his car is worth lesser than mine and I don't want to see my younger brother need to fork out more for the down payment, so yeah, I told him go ahead to sell mine and I'll take his old car (which is older than mine by 2 years).
I used to think that driving a big or nice car is important and for my lifestyle. But nowadays, I don't anymore. I'm on my own and no longer taking a salary from 'just another company', I gotta be more organized in thoughts and also developing the business further to ensure the survival of the company. That's why I said times have change and things have change for me. To me now, my priorities is to acquire assets for the business and to develop into the direction I have in mind.
Alot of things that came into my mind lately, and sometimes I'm so tired of thinking about it and trying to solve it. But not all problems can be solved at the current moment. It requires the perfect timing and the right people to do it. Some of my pals have asked me to join in a business venture with them, starting capital is roughly 130k per partner per annum which is roughly for a 3 director share in the new outfit. Of course, this venture after reviewing the pros and cons, I can see good ROI's in the next 1-2 years after launch. But my biggest problem is capital. I am already in a capital limbo to expand my current business, how the heck can I churn out additional 130k per annum to participate as a partner in the new business? I never believe in taking a full loan or overdraft facilities from bankers as its meaningless cuz your profits will be eaten up by these legal loansharks.
At the same time, I cannot split my current capex budget for the new business either cuz it will put a huge dent on my blueprint for my current business.
See what I mean by 'tired of thinking' ?
Ok, I gotta go out again tonight (I went out last night and drank like a fish already) to see my client become friend. I slowed down alot on drinking and nightly outings but sometimes we cannot help it. To achieve my dreams and aspirations, I need the right people to bring me the right networks. Everyone is a friend to me and this might sound cruel but its a fact, everyone needs something from everyone. What I need is networks of friends from various industries.
Have a great weekend folks!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Politics For Cows
I guess with this coming Hulu Selangor by-election, alot of ugly stories will come out. Kamal/Alex/Nathan has shown how he vigorously protects the foundations of Perkasa. He is 'old-school' politician which is something I didn't expect from a 43 yr old Public Relation guy.
Race is no longer a big issue in Malaysia except for a small portion of BN-putras. Unfortunately, PR is heading towards the same direction when LKS keep harping on the issue. LKS has done a good job for the nation politics for these countless decades but I think he has long passed his usefulness.
To me, it doesn't matter what color we are. We should remove the word RACE and RELIGION from all application forms starting with the government forms. Secondly, we should remove politicians who talks about race. Infact, why not have a law to throw these fools into jail with the mere mentioned of racial issues openly?
All of us want to be equal. I doubt the malays themselves are truly believing in their "Ketuanan Melayu" anymore especially they have been robbed so many decades by BN. What's the point of having 10% discount for bumiputra's when the bumiputra's can't even afford the pricetag of the home in the first place? We non-bumi's are also not much different if you care to stop and take a look around. We have so many poor people still living in huts or just scrapping by each day, whether you are a bumi or non-bumi.
NEM came as more of a disappointment. GST is coming soon which is going to be bad for businesses for the next few years or more. What does the normal folks have? Nothing. Not a single thing. PR has been voted into power at two very important states of the nation, yes! they have made improvements. But would they do better if they stop wasting time to answer or making race remarks? My answer would be yes.
They have caliber people around them. They have the state powers now. They can make a difference and show to the nation they will do what it takes to make it right for EVERY MALAYSIAN. With this, I hope they will.
Friday, February 05, 2010
Bits and Parts of My Thoughts On My Country
In fact, I left a comment in one of the articles but I won't say where is it as I did not use my real internet name.
With all this circus show going on in our nation mass media about Sodomy Part II, I believe that many of us whom are now well educated no matter if you are malay, chinese or indians, will have now see through the scheming of these politicians. No doubt DSAI is not a perfect politician nor a gentleman (he too has skeletons in his closet when he was the rising star of UMNO), all this national circus is definitely not called for especially in a time where the entire world is trying to pick up the economical mess created by US financial system failure to arrest they corporation greediness.
With recent burning of churches and unsuccessful vandalism of our fellow malaysian surau's is definitely putting a strain on the people who believe and respect in each other right to religion as stated in our constitution. These acts are cowardly acts of aggression and disrespect not towards Christianity nor Islam but to the People of Malaysia as a whole. Our royal courts which is our only avenue for justice has been made a mockery when the government decides to go against the just and fair trial / hearings.
Instead of clearing up the air and avoid further discrimination of race, they allow certain quarters to conduct demonstration protest (where in our country forbids any kind of demonstration of protest unless with police permit) to go on at Mosque, a place of worship and sacred to our fellow Islam friends. I fail to see how can they let it happen? Surely this demonstration protest must have spread by word of mouth or in the internet and our police force having 'spies' everywhere would have known and could have taken steps to ensure it didn't take place.
This reminds me of articles I read from foreign websites (TIME and Far Eastern) also from our local respected bloggers who took great lengths to investigate and post up information of the 1969 tragedy. Tunku Abdul Rahman (may god bless his soul) said in his interview that when the alliance (now as BN) lost its hold on the country politics after the vote, he knows that he cannot allow DAP and their alliance to go on a victory round on the streets as it will definitely cause troubled. He gave instructions no PERMIT should be allowed. Tunku has the foresight to see what will happen back then and he cares so much for the rakyat (I believe he was never a racist as he loves the people of Malaysia). But once he left for his hometown, his 2nd in command (you know who) gave the permission to issue the permit thus causing the darkest hours in our otherwise beautiful independence history.
We are lucky things have not gone down as in 1969. Personally, I think its because our countrymen now are more educated and more rational to see that this ugly incident will not repeat again.
All in all, the sooner all this 'in-fighting' will resolve soon and let the country concentrate to regain its economic prowess and making the people of Malaysia life easier.
May god bless Malaysia.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Revamp In Logistics Sector - Only A Dream
Published: Tuesday January 12, 2010 MYT 2:50:00 PM
Logistics sector needs to be beefed up says Minister
KUALA LUMPUR: The logistics industry is among the services sector that needs to be beefed up as trade remains an important lifeline for Malaysia, International Trade and Industry Minister, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said.
"The government is committed to lowering the costs of logistics in order to maintain Malaysia's competitiveness as a trading nation," he said in his speech at the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry Services Summit here on Tuesday.
Among others, he said the government would cooperate with the private sector in issues relating to regulations, procedures and infrastructure needed for the sector to perform well.
"Efforts are being made to further consolidate and integrate the logistics sector to not only provide better and competitive services to domestic manufacturers but also to provide logistics services to neighbouring countries", he added.
Asked later if the government would initiate a regulated consolidation for the sector, Mustapa said : "Not at this point of time."
Malaysia was establishing new capacities and facilities in ports and airports and was improving its infrastructure to position the country as a regional hub for logistics. - Bernama
The above story quoted from STAR Online. The Malaysian logistics sector have been suffering in silence for many years. Our government did not see it as one of the backbone of Malaysia economics. Long have the logistics sectors being bullied with regulations that seems illogical and also most of the time, changes as fast as the wind.
There is many reputable or reliable logisticians and logistic companies that is available around the whole country. From small setups to public listed companies. But for all, its the same.
As an example, our Royal Customs of Malaysia have no uniformity. Each Customs stations within the country has different interpretation of the regulatory laws and tariff codes. Each has their own procedures of clearing a shipment. We are bogged down with so much differential ways from different Customs officers that sometimes a simple job of assessment of a Customs Form is so taxing in terms psychological.
If my memories serves me right, a few years ago, the Transport Ministry said we can clear our shipments 1 week in advance even before the vessel arrives at Port. It was all talk. Agents were bogged down with problems from EDI system and from the authorities. And effectively from 1st January 2010, the free storage period is reduce from 5 days Free to 3 days Free Storage at Port.
This cannot be done! Nor is it possible especially with different government agencies involved. Especially if shipments that involves Customs, Health, Agriculture and other departments. Plus, these OGA's (Other Government Agencies) do not operate on weekends. There is also many Shipping Agents (SA) that do not operate anymore on Saturdays and top it off with BANKS that also do not operate on Saturdays and closes all transaction of duty payment by EFT at 6pm everyday.
Top all that above with the lousy services provided by our Port Operators, insufficient and inefficient haulage companies, non-uniformity of procedures by Customs & OGA's and etc etc, we will never be ready for reduced free storage period.
We need a solution to this first. Many discussions have to be made between all that is involved in the total logistics chain. This is not about one company but the nation as a whole. Logistics are a service based business. Our meager profit margin comes with huge responsibilities to our clients.
The Government of Malaysia has to understand this. If what they say are true in the article above, they should not waste anymore time. Its time to call for a National Logistics meeting with all the associations involved. To study and discuss about the shortcomings of our national logistics policies as well as the ethical codes of logistics companies practicing their businesses. Price War is not the solution. Each and every local logistics companies in Malaysia must be mentally coach to accept the fact they are providing services and to be one of the global challengers in the international logistics scene WITHOUT the need to resort to price war tactics.
Also, my personal call to our Government to reconsider the bumiputra privilege of forcing 51% ownership before any government license can be granted. Trust your people, we thank the government for the education provided and its time for you to loosen these unnecessary 'strings' so that the whole nation can move ahead without feeling sideline or unfairness from the results of bumiputra status-quo.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Updates from Hell

"Sometimes you just gotta lose this battle in order to win the war" - I honestly forgotten where I read or heard this from but this is what I am doing now.
I notice I have not been bloggin about anything since 24th Feb 2009. I was too busy with work and family. During the course of being busy, I also notice I have lost a few friends along the way. Losing friends along the way is sometimes the way of life as none of us are perfect people and most of us tends to 'abuse' our friends when we are in a foul mood.
My blood pressure has been staying at 150/100 most of the time. Doctor has given me alot of Medical Leaves but I am afraid I can't take anymore of it due to the fact I am still not a confirmed staff until 11th November 2009. You guys won't believe how many type of pills I need to swallow now! Medicine plus my vitamins, its like 7 pills each day! Yuck, but what the heck, I didn't take good care of my health and now I'm paying the price - literally speaking.
Doctor has advice me to cut down smoking, fatty food (which is incidentally my favourite foods!) eg. Nasi Lemak, KFC, MCD, Bak Kut Teh and etc.. Also to do more exercise plus eating alot alot alot of things i hate most - vegetables and fish! Ok, this advice arises from the fact that is proven clearly in my latest medical results. I am in the VERY HIGH risk group of getting stroke or heart attack. Sigh, and you wonder life just begun at age of 30!
But, my problems at work is also one major contributor to my current health. Honestly, I regretted that I left my previous job and this 'bold' move I made was the biggest and stupidest decision I have ever made. I miss my old job and my old company (even china-man company has better benefits!!!). I have been having problems with my direct boss since the 3rd week after I joined them. We are always on the opposite end of our direction and views. She is good in presentation and theories but operationally (i mean "physical operations"), she is not well-versed in it. But of course, I am also flawed in many other ways which is presentations and theories but my strongest point is running operations.
We have a new HOD since last July and the 'in-fighting' between me and my manager has reached his ears and also our CEO ears. We were called in for a meeting and thrashed out all our differences. I was being pointed alot at fault while the HOD seems to be more interested in standing by her side. I was told to 'tone down' my voice and work with her. For God sake, I never planned to work against her! Just that she doesn't hear my opinions on operations and take them into consideration while she's drafting all her cute lil' presentation slides. The final straw for me was she posted out the RFQ without even discussing with me on the operational matters. I was dead pissed off when that happened and emailed very 'politely' asking for a copy of the RFQ to go through and promised her I won't comment nor give any opinions but just to follow whatever is in the RFQ. Also, I told her very clearly if this RFQ fucks up the operations, I will not be responsible for any of it! I guess I made her thought about it that why she forced me to join in the negotiations with the 3rd Party Warehouse provider and give my insights on the operations view in the eyes as a manufacturer. So, now I have no choice but to get involve and at the same time have to figure a way how not to put her presentation down / rfq request down and at the same time save her 'face' infront of 3rd party.
Then comes all those silly request like 'find me this guy / that guy / that company phone number', 'upload this file / that file to the server' and many other mundane task which I am sure our clerk can handle. But the biggest was when she threaten me with "You go or I go". I blew up again. But this time, I kept my cool. I forced whatever anger or emotions I had deep into my heart and hold my breath till I turn blue. I cannot lose this job at this time. I need the salary to keep my family afloat and I had to keep calm. That's what I told myself. From then onwards, I decided to give in to every of her fancy and whims. I had to do it. I had to be a sissy instead of my old usual self where I command and things moved.
Never in my life I felt so humilated. I didn't felt being humbled but being insulted and humilated. I had to lose my dignity in order to survive. I hanged myself up to being step at and being ordered around without reasonings.
But this is life and this was what my many 'mentors' have been telling me a long time ago. "You will one day need to be insulted and humilated because you need to survive. But take it in your stride, if you pull this through, you will come out stronger than before." I am lucky to have so many 'mentors' as well as good friends. Even friends I made in my new company such as Lim Wee Choon is always there for me to let me burst out to him and also advices me when I feel so frustrated during working hours. He is my most understanding friend I had in the company. Infact, he is the only one I trust in the company to be a friend. The rest of my colleagues are just colleagues to me cuz we don't talk to each other that much.
I better stop here now. There are many more other things for me to follow up. Life is never great so please go smack that person if he/she says life is a wonderful and great thing to have! :P Just kidding guys.
Ya all have a great week ahead and if any of my indian friends follow this blog of mine, I want to take the opportunity to wish you guys "HAPPY DEEPAVALI! MAY YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALWAYS BE GREAT HEALTH AND WITH LOTS OF WEALTH!"
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Dawn Of A New Beginning

Life is recently very much alive for me. I have been given many task to manage and to straighten up. It is a wonder that so many things to attend to eventhough business have drop by 50% in recent months.
I just had my management meeting this morning. Whoa! My boss isn't really in a good mood but lucky for us, we did not get a full-blown scathing on our face. My boss is actually a nice person when he's in a good mood. And he is a man of his words because he has proven to me by giving me whatever he has promised me including my Assistant Manager promotion.
I guess I have my hands full now especially when I must deal with all those drivers who only thinks of their own survival yet still wanna be lazy. I felt extremely betrayed yesterday by a few drivers which I thought they can understand that whatever situation we are in now, we are in as a team. Unfortunately, they aren't thinking with their brains. Sigh, I guess I will need to be the bad guy until I leave this company.
Oh yeah, I will be very likely to leave my current company once I get the results of my medical checkup. I have sighted the letter of offer and god! this is the first time I see an 11 pages odd long offer letter. This wasn't a very easy decision for me to make especially with current economic downturn. I have so many things to take into consideration and finally I guess this will be my boldest move. I need the raise in pay and also taking a risk by joining up with this new company that I will have the 'pioneer' staff status as well as having a shot at the Managerial position to improve my resume status further.
Yeah, some people might say I'm considering this move as monetary move which is very true but there is also other motives such as putting all my skills and experience to the biggest challenge and succeed in proving to myself that I have what it needs to surive in this cut-throat corporate world. Even though I'm forgoing my promotion as AM in my current company and joining the new company as Snr Executive (same as my current position), the pay is way much higher than what I'm getting current and with such bad times looming, I doubt my current boss will be able to match and counter-offer me to stay back.
Well, wish me luck guys... Cuz I will need it as my life will be alot tougher for the next 1 - 2 years because I have chosen to join a newly setup company and there is alot more things to be done with compare to my current company.

The below is an excerpt I gotten from my email and I think this is what you call.. A TRUE MALAYSIAN ! Read on...
Justice My Ass' Raja Petra says
If you love this country you should help circulate this mail to allyour friends who are MIC and MCA members, if they are not too busyenriching their own pockets and make future generation of theirchildren, their grand children and their great grand children suffer.For 50 years the Chinese have given their vote to MCA and for 50 yearsMCA have pass their vote to the Malay, yes Malay in UMNO for a littleself benefits. MCA members have no balls to speak for the Chinese andyes MCA in Johor who have NO Balls to speak against the UMNO. Where doyou think the Malays come from Indonesia lah and what ever happened tothe great Chinese Warriors from Yunan that saved these Malays fromSiamese attack called Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat and princess Hang Li Po??,disappears from our children history books that we used to read in ourschool days (ungrateful UMNO).
Only Raja Petra will speak for the Chinese and the Indian.
Subject: Raja Petra says, ' Justice My Ass !! '
Here's ANOTHER Reason NON-Malays Should NOT Vote UMNO in Any FutureGeneral Elections and Bye-ElectionsThursday, June 05, 200816:39
Read here from M'sians Unplugged ...Average Non-Malay Malaysians and NON-Malay Bumiputras have LITTLEfuture for their children and their grandchildren IF they still voteBarisan Nasional which allows UMNO to remain in Government - it wasbefore, it is today, and it will be tomorrow.
Excerpts from article by Raja Petra Kamarudinby
Raja Petra Kamarudin'Last month, Umno Johor said that the greatest mistake they made wasin giving the non-Malay immigrants citizenship in August 1957. Nowthat they have been given citizenship they show their ingratitude byvoting for the opposition.
Yes, non-Malays, even those born in Malaysia , are immigrants. And,being immigrants, they must vote Barisan Nasional. And if they do notvote for Barisan Nasional then they are ungrateful.
Yes, voting is your right. This is your right according to the FederalConstitution of Malaysia. Malays can vote for whomsoever they wouldlike to vote for because the Constitution allows them to do so.Malays, therefore, can vote for the opposition.
But, if you are non-Malay, then you must vote for Barisan Nasionalbecause you are an immigrant. If you vote for the opposition then youare a traitor, you are ungrateful, and it was a great mistake givingyou citizenship in 1957.
Tun Dr Mahathir's father was born in INDIA. But Tun Dr Mahathir canvote opposition. He can even oppose Umno like he is doing so now. Infact, he can even become the Prime Minister. He is not an ungratefulimmigrant who should be sent back to India .
Tian Chua, however, can't oppose Umno. Tian Chua, whose family settledin Malaya long before the Portuguese came in 1511, is an immigrant.And if he is not happy and if he opposes Umno then he should go backto Chin a .
And Umno Johor regrets giving Tian Chua citizenship in 1957 but doesnot regret giving Tun Dr Mahathir citizenship.
Why? Because Tun Dr Mahathir is Muslim while Tian Chua is not.But if Tian Chua circumcises and takes on the Muslim name of Musa BinSusah and marries a Malay woman, then he need not go back to Chin aand Umno does not regret giving him citizenship in 1957.
The Malays have a very warped view of justice. Malays practice twostandards of justice. There is one standard for the Malays andanother for the non-Malays.
And 90% of the tax is paid by the NON-Malays and 10% by the Malays,says Tun Dr Mahathir.
But 10% of the scholarships must go to the NON-Malays and 90% to the Malays.
And when they propose to change this to 40% for the non-Malays and 60%for the Malays, the Malays raise a hue and cry. And they call thisjustice. And they say Islam is about justice.'
Isn't the above is very well written and bravely said. We should heed his advice and words. I don't mean that we should blindly follow anyone that oppose the government but we should always be sensible and consider everything before we make up our mind on the verdict.